After being trained as solar energy engineers to help their communities, they dream of forming an organization called Zaah Eecla, or Daughters of the Sun, in cmiquii itom, their native Comcaac language. See Page 11. (Foto: Núria López Torres).
VOL. 8, NO. 1 Fall-Winter 2017
Without pressure, the corrupt will kill off the Vaquita, the Totoaba - 2
Baja California
Kumiai apply traditional wisdom to climate change - 3
Baja California Sur
Revillagigedo, a monumental task - 4
Jaguar: challenge for the Americas - 5
Vallarta, lesson in environmental justice for Riviera Nayarit - 6
Big Ag serves up deadly chemical brew in Culicán Valley - 7
Arsenic present in the capital’s drinking water - 8
Though it reeks of gas, it will always smell like flowers - 9
Violence against environmental activists increases - 10
Daughters of the Sun want to light up Comcaac community - 11